Angelical Touch Massage
Where Mind, Body and Spirit Connect

About the Practitioner




  LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist

CECP - Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

CHFRP - Certified Holy Fire Reiki Practitioner

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

(also known as Meridian Tapping)

HTP – Healing Touch Practitioner



The Mission of Angelical Touch Massage is to Restore, Inspire, and Promote Balance and Wellbeing in the Mind, Body, and Spirit of my clients by combining Eastern and Western Modalities.  I strive to meet and exceed your needs and expectations while being guided by my values of Respect, Compassion, and Professionalism.

The Human Body is a PERFECT CREATION with the ability to Heal itself.  I take the time to educate you on reaping the Benefits of Massage and other Energy Modalities, and Vitamin Supplementation through Self Awareness, Holistic Health and Small Lifestyle Changes.  I offer my clients the choice to select the type of therapy they prefer, or guide them in selecting what may best support their Healing, Relaxation and Regeneration.

Those who have worked with me know I love to Educate and Share Information I have learned.  Introducing New Modalities and Concepts to my business increases Awareness.  This is why I am now offering a line of Premium Nutriceuticals to my clients.  I become very excited when I see results, and I have seen tremendous results in myself and others with the help of these supplements.

I have found my Passion in Helping Others.  I was truly “Guided” into Massage Therapy (through a dream after much prayer).  Shortly afterwards, I was introduced to Nikken Magnets.  This was many years ago (1997) when magnets were not at the forefront of healing modalities.  My clients were uneducated in the use of magnets at the time, but were open-minded enough to try them.   I was later introduced to the Energy Modality named “The Emotion Code” in which Nikken Magnets were used to release Trapped Emotions and other Imbalances in the body.  I immediately flew to New York to attend the schooling.  Already knowing for myself the results I had with magnets, I knew others would love this therapy, which they do.  This is how my business has evolved over the years.  When a modality resonates within me, I embrace it, become educated in it, and pass what I have learned on to others. 

I am VERY BLESSED and Filled with Love and Gratitude for

The Abundance Of Life

My Abundance In Life

and for ALL who have Touched My Life

THANK YOU for visiting my website!  Look around, and see what Modalities resonate with YOU.   

FYI:  The Emotion Code, Usui/Holy Fire REIKI and EFT (Meridian Tapping) are Energy Modalities in which the recipient need not be present for the therapy to take place.  "Distance Healing" may be used for these particular Modalities when a client lives too far to travel to my office, or has a physical impairment which prevents them from traveling to my office.   When you are ready to explore new therapies and/or try the amazing supplements from Nutritional Frontiers which I now showcase, feel free to give me a call.  I would enjoy working with you as your "Journey in Life" continues. 







237 Hilltop Drive • Lower Burrell, PA









Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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