Angelical Touch Massage
Where Mind, Body and Spirit Connect

Services and Rates



GIFT CERTIFICATE REDEMPTION on Certificates purchased Prior to 1/1/2023 will require additional fees to equal the current price schedule.


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Wishing You Health And Happiness!




Neuromuscular Deep Tissue - Trigger-Point Therapy 
Myofascial Release - Hot Stone Massage - Pregnancy Massage -  Reflexology - Sports Massage - Swedish Massage - Chair Massage 

½ Hour Massage……………………………. $35

1 Hour Massage………………………......... $70

1 ½  Hour Massage.......................................$105 


THE WORKS………...........................…..….. $140
1 ½ Hour HOT STONE MASSAGE with 

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Also Includes:

  Heated Hand Wraps and Heated Foot Wraps -

Wrapped in  

Emulsifying Raw Coconut Oil 






With Emulsifying Raw Organic Coconut Oi........ $55
Includes Upper Body Massage, Hot Towels 



 With Emulsifying Raw Organic Coconut Oil &

Arbonne​ Complete Face Regimen.......................$130
Includes Upper Body Massage, Foot Massage
Hot Towels, Steam 






Energy Therapies are based on the principal that the Health of the Mind, Body and Spirit are anchored in the body’s Energy Systems, founded on the Chinese Meridian System of Medicine.  Think of the Meridian System as a mind-body matrix.  In Chinese Medicine, Meridians make up a circuitry, or giant web, that delivers Chi (pronounced chee) or Life Force Energy to all of the organs and tissues of the body.  It addresses the body’s need for balance, or homeostasis.  If the Chi is in balance, then it is assumed the body will be able to cure itself and run at top efficiency.  This Chi or Life Force Energy travels in and out of the body through major junctures in the body called Chakras.  There are 7 Major Chakras in the body.  Many think of this Life Force Energy as our Soul.  Depending on the culture, this Life Force Energy can be named differently, but what is important to remember is that Everything is Energy...Everything!

My "Intent" or goal with every Energy Therapy I perform is for your trauma to be relieved, and homeostasis of the mind-body to be reestablished.  This should be your intent as well.  These Energy Therapies help eliminate physical and emotional traumas or blockages from the mind-body continuum.  They are thought to work quickly, compared to traditional "talk therapy."  I am not the healer - YOU are.  I am here to help facilitate the process.  Intention is everything!  What you say to yourself 90% of the time is what will be.  So, if you say..."OK I'll try this therapy, but I know it is not going to help."  Guess what?  You will try the therapy and it will not help.  If you surround yourself with negative thoughts, then you will get negative outcomes in life.

So, it is beneficial for us to remain in a state of Love and Gratitude.  Easier said than done many times, however, I am here to help encourage you to bring out the appreciation in the lessons you are learning throughout your life journey, and to remain positive and "present" in your life.  We cannot control the past or the future...only the present. 

The brilliance of the Eastern and Western Cultures of "Thought and Modalities" are now beginning to mingle.  The scientific methods of the West are being applied to some of the techniques of the East. 

With all this in mind, let me introduce you to some “Energy Therapies” in addition to Massage Therapy, which accesses our mind-body matrix, or “Meridian System” and our "Chakra System":

The Emotion Code - Usui/Holy Fire Reiki - Healing Touch
Nikken Magnet Therapy

DISCLAIMER:  Although there are no known side effects to these Energy Therapies, I will not perform them on Pregnant Women, or those with Electrical Devices in their bodies, such as pacemakers. 


½ Hour Energy Session……..…. $35

 1 Hour Energy Session……......... $70


The Emotion Code and Body Code Explained:  When certain emotions become too powerful for us to handle, the result can be a “short-circuit” that becomes lodged somewhere in the body.  An emotion can become trapped at any age or even be inherited.  A trapped emotion is a ball of energy that seems to vary in size from that of a baseball to a melon.  Wherever it settles, the energy field in that area becomes distorted.  The result can be self-sabotage, psychological distress or physical illness or pain for which there is no medical explanation.  The Emotion Code taps into your Subconscious Mind, which knows everything about you.  Every thought you have ever had - Every situation you have ever experienced...EVERYTHING.  It is housed in you like a computer chip.  Through the use of Muscle Testing, which has been around for thousands of years, and the use of Magnets, the imbalances in your body are released.  It's like peeling an onion.  Sometimes the imbalances are released layer by layer, and sometimes imbalances are released in chunks.  Your Subconscious Mind knows what you can handle at the time of a session and will release accordingly.  The Emotion Code is a Therapy which can be performed in person or as a Distance Healing by phone.  With Permission from you, I work as Proxy for you. 

What my clients tell me they like best about The Emotion Code is this - Their privacy is protected throughout the process.  They do not have to "share" or "talk" about painful experiences if they do not wish to do so.  They are able to release the negative emotions without reliving them.  The Mind and Body already Know what needs to be released!  Remember...EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, even our THOUGHTS are Energy.  WOW!


Usui/Holy Fire Reiki and Healing Touch Explained:  Usui/Holy Fire Reiki and Healing Touch are natural Healing Energies activated by intention and Life Force Energy.  It works on every level, not just the physical.  In a Reiki/Healing Touch session, this Universal Energy is “activated” by me and passed on to you, where it both replenishes areas that have been depleted of energy and stimulates the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.  Remember, I am a "Conduit" of the Life Force Energy, helping to facilitate your healing process.  Reiki and Healing Touch are gentle, yet powerful complementary therapies that may be used with confidence alongside massage and orthodox health care.


Nikken Magnetic Therapy Explained:  The use of Magnetic Therapy has been used since ancient time.  In a world where every element is impacted by electromagnetic energy, the use of Magnets to restore balance can counter the negative effects of the environment on our health.  Keeping your body in tune with the electromagnetic field concentrated within the earth’s core can be beneficial to both your Body and Spirit.  The benefits of Magnetic Therapy include increasing blood circulation throughout the body, which Increases Energy and the Healing Process of tissue.  Magnetic Therapy can be a great source of relief from those suffering with the pain of arthritis and other joint pain.  Use of Magnetic Therapy may ease pain and discomfort, while promoting a wider range of motion.  An inventory of Nikken magnets are available for purchase.  I also use Nikken Magnets when working with The Emotion Code on clients. 



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